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    Empowering learners to take informed action for social justice promotes responsibility that goes beyond the classroom; it builds empathy to stand up for the rights of others.


    "Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home -- so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world."

    - Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Human Rights

    People everywhere have the same rights which no one can take away. These rights are the foundation for freedom, justice, and peace in the world.


    Human Rights Resources

    Youth For Human Rights

    Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

    The Defenders: An Interactive Map

    Exploring Issues - WE.org

    United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

    weLEAD - website


    Student Activities

    Social Contract


    What exactly are the basic human rights? Who gets to pick them? Who enforces them—and how? - Benedetta Berti, TED Educator

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Every man, women, and child on earth is born free.

    How To Understand Power

    People move and operate within systems of power, but understanding the sources of power are key to being an effective citizen and a person who can promote change.

  • Indigenous Rights

    Indigenous people face hardships around the world. This includes the United States, Canada, and Australia and many others.


    Indigenous Rights Resources​

    American Indian Removal - Native Knowledge 360
    Essential Understandings About American Indians - Native Knowledge 360
    Marchers In Washington Call For Indigenous Rights - January 2019


    Indigenous Rights vs Columbus Day
    Zinn Education Project - Abolish Columbus Day Campaign
    Teaching For Change - Abolish Columbus Day

    Student Activities

    Political Cartoon Analysis Handout

    Symbolism Checklist
    Political Cartoon Packet


    What is the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples?

    The plight of indigenous peoples spans the globe from sea to shining sea in America to the land down under in Australia.

    How the U.S. Stole Thousands of Native American Children

    Toward the end of the 19th century, the US took thousands of Native American children and enrolled them in off-reservation boarding schools, stripping them of their cultures and languages.

    Support Indigenous Rights By Abolishing Columbus Day

  • Women's Rights

    Gender equality benefits all humanity. Women and girls should have the same opportunities as others. Unfortunately, girls worldwide are denied these rights.


    Women's Rights Resources

    International Women's Day - IWD
    Greatest Ever International Women's Day Videos - IWD Website

    Equal Rights Amendment
    Girls Not Brides - Global Partnership

    Women's March

    A Global History Of Women’s Rights​

    Discover the noteworthy women, grassroots movements and historic milestones that have changed the world for women and girls.

    International Women's Day 2018

    Ending Child Marriage

    International Women's Day

  • Statelessness

    We all have the right to belong to a country. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we have the right to seek refuge in another country to be safe.


    Statelessness Resources

    iBelong - UNHCR
    iBelong Minority Children and Statelessness - UNHCR
    Stories of Statelessness - ENS

    Reimagining Migration

    What does it mean to be stateless?

    To understand the enormity of statelessness, we need to look at the refugee crisis afflicting the global community. It is a massive humanitarian crisis faced by millions around the world.

    Living As A Stateless Person

    Stateless people live with an invisible barrier around them. Having no nationality, they cannot enjoy the rights most of us take for granted; work, education, legal protection.

    About 60 million people around the globe have been forced to leave their homes to escape war, violence and persecution. Others, referred to as refugees, sought shelter outside their own country.

    Everyone Has The Right To A Nationality

    European Network on Statelessness is committed to ending statelessness and ensuring that people living in Europe without a nationality are protected under international law.

    #StatelessKids - No Child Should Be Stateless

    There is an urgent need to protect children from growing up without a nationality.

  • Modern Slavery

    No one has the right to enslave another individual. Unfortunately, modern enslavement is faced by many around the world today.


    Modern Slavery Resources
    One in 200 people is a slave. Why?" - The Guardian
    Walk Free Foundation - WFF
    What Is Modern Slavery? - Antislavery.org
    People For Sale - CNN
    Ravi Shanker Kumar's Story - End Slavery Now
    Stories of Freedom - Antislavery.org
    Modern Slave Narratives - End Slavery Now
    The Freedom Project - CNN

    Slavery Footprint
    Products of Slavery - PoS.org

    Youth For Human Rights - No Slavery

    Sold - The Movie

  • Gender Identity

    Understanding LGBTQA+ is about accepting differences in order to not exclude people. It is about moving toward an inclusive society and beyond mere tolerance.

    Stonewall National Monument

    "I’m designating the Stonewall National Monument as the newest addition to America’s national parks system. Stonewall will be our first national monument to tell the story of the struggle for LGBT rights." - President Barack Obama

    How the Rainbow Flag Became a Symbol of LGBTQ Pride

    Artist, Gilbert Baker, created the iconic rainbow flag design; it quickly became a global symbol of LGBTQ unity and solidarity.

    Harvey Milk's Radical Vision Of Equality​

    Harvey Milk believed in a personal approach to local government that led him to run for office in the heart of American gay culture, the Castro. He became California's first openly gay public official.

  • The Social Justice Blog

    Thoughts, Comments, And Reflections

    To be enslaved is not something from the past that we study in history books; unfortunately, this modern problem continues today. In fact, enslavement is at its highest level in history. Knowing the scope of this issue, and how it can affect people of any age, gender or race, please draft a...
  • Social Justice Slam

    The Power Of Student Voice!

    The 2019 student performance and presentation of poetry and video.

    Click here to read the 2018 Social Justice Slam book of poetry.

  • Educators For Social Justice

    Learners instilled with a global vision forge deeper connections with their own sense of agency for social justice.

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    Library Director & History Teacher


    Twitter @BCDS_History_56

    Co-author, Social Entrepreneurship

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    English Teacher

    Avenues, NYC

    Twitter @MsChadha92

    Co-author, Social Entrepreneurship



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    2 I. U. Willets Road

    Roslyn, New York 11576



    Russac & Chadha © 2020