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The Price Modern Slavery

A Human Rights Issue Of Our Time

To be enslaved is not something from the past that we study in history books; unfortunately, this modern problem continues today. In fact, enslavement is at its highest level in history. Knowing the scope of this issue, and how it can affect people of any age, gender or race, please draft a comment in your “History Drafts” Google-doc for this post. Use the following questions to guide your response:

  • Describe the current status of the human rights issue.
  • How is this human right being violated, and who are the most vulnerable?
  • What might it be like to be denied this right?
  • What could be done to help others who are denied the right to be free?
  • Why is it important that everyone be aware of this problem?

Please type in paragraph form, single-spaced, with no indents. For more than one paragraph, leave an extra space between each one. Proofread your work before pasting it in the comment section.


To Submit:

  • Paste your response in the comment field
  • Type your first name with last initial only, for example: PatriciaR
  • Enter your email address - this will not show in your comment
  • Click submit